Simply grand!

Tony Mosley Photo by Peter Lodder
Tony Mosley Photo by Peter Lodder

Welcome to our latest issue of Good Age!

This isn’t just our biggest issue of the year so far; it’s also, I hope you’ll find, one of our best yet!

First, on our cover, we have one of the Twin Cities’ coolest cats — Tony Mosley, a Minneapolis native, husband, father of two, marketing project manager and former friend of Prince — who just returned from a European tour with a recently reunited New Power Generation.

Also known as NPG, the band surrounded the Purple One during his glory days.

In this issue, Mosley talks candidly about his time rapping and dancing on the road — then and now — and what it felt like to be part of the work and life of a Minnesota legend.

This month is also our annual Grandparenting Issue. And what a time it is to be a grandmother or grandfather!

On the coming pages, you’ll find some truly fresh insights in this arena, including another installment of our occasional Nana & Mama series as well as a special feature about GrandyCamp.

This new online community for Twin Cities grandparents is the brainchild of Karen Ritz, a St. Paul-based children’s book illustrator and grandmother of two. Her goal is for modern grandparents to band together and have a blast, too.

“Our career-driven children are leaving home later, marrying later and having children later still. And we ‘seniors’ are still in the thick of things, hitting our stride with experience, learning new platforms, retiring later and creating encore careers,” she said. “We’re still healthy, active and busy. Really busy! But then one day you find yourself at a hospital, holding a tiny, red-faced pause button.”

Ritz, in this issue, writes about the unexpected joys and challenges of grandparenting in the modern age. And, bless her heart, she’s also put together a list of Good Age-friendly holiday events so you can start planning for the chaotic months ahead (with or without the grandkids).

Finally, in addition to all our usual departments (freshly redesigned this month), be sure to check out the new face of Las Vegas, chronicled by our favorite travel writer, Carla Waldemar, who recently brought her brand of food savvy and Minnesota sensibility to Sin City, and loved it!